Browse Foods

CaloriesCarbs Fat Protein Theobromine
2209g 4g 36g 0mg
28738g 8g 21g 0mg
36431g 23g 15g 0mg
37417g 22g 31g 0mg
49178g 13g 18g 0mg
36921g 9g 48g 0mg
48813g 35g 29g 0mg
34522g 17g 27g 0mg
43823g 27g 28g 0mg
47563g 19g 14g 0mg
627101g 13g 27g 0mg
Gong Bao
41454g 19g 11g 0mg
40334g 12g 43g 111mg
30534g 13g 16g 0mg
1371g 10g 11g 0mg
3099g 16g 31g 0mg
29121g 11g 27g 0mg
Grape, Walnut, and Romaine Salad The sweet bursts of grape and toasty crunch of walnuts pair well in this chopped salad.
29829g 19g 8g 0mg
23241g 8g 3g 0mg
922g 5g 8g 0mg

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