Browse Foods

CaloriesCarbs Fat Protein Starch
28711g 17g 23g 0g
46943g 28g 19g 7g
38373g 5g 17g 1g
150428g 120g 79g 0.1g
49592g 14g 3g 0g
552119g 3g 23g 0g
883g 7g 4g 0g
62622g 56g 15g 0.1g
36826g 28g 9g 0.2g
56517g 55g 5g 0g
41659g 13g 17g 43g
40020g 33g 14g 0g
57860g 36g 5g 0g
2889g 17g 24g 1g
42116g 31g 21g 0g
34674g 5g 9g 6g
27429g 7g 24g 0g
28148g 8g 10g 0.1g
Eggs Baked in Portobello Mushrooms Choose large, firm portobello mushrooms, that are not too flat (or the egg will spill) nor too deep (or the egg will take forever to cook).
21210g 12g 19g 0g
63314g 50g 33g 1g

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