Browse Foods

CaloriesCarbs Fat Protein
1371g 10g 11g
2292g 13g 26g
97880g 46g 61g
29419g 24g 6g
48681g 8g 28g
Grape, Walnut, and Romaine Salad The sweet bursts of grape and toasty crunch of walnuts pair well in this chopped salad.
29829g 19g 8g
5666g 56g 10g
74034g 49g 40g
48813g 35g 29g
17211g 2g 21g
3238g 23g 26g
26225g 17g 4g
18033g 4g 3g
37033g 16g 22g
48328g 39g 14g
16713g 11g 5g
30534g 13g 16g
2625g 11g 32g
24110g 5g 39g
59149g 25g 43g

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