Search "steak" Foods

CaloriesCarbs Fat Protein Polyunsaturated fats
Classic Taco with All Natural Steak CHICKEN & STEAK - Classic Grilled Steak Taco, Rubio's
27020g 14g 15g -
Steakhouse Grillside Potatoes All You Can Eat Buffet - Steakhouse Grillside Potatoes, Ponderosa Steakhouse
354g 2g 1g -
Prime Rib Steak, 8 oz SPECIALTIES - without sides - Prime Rib Steak 8 oz, Ponderosa Steakhouse
93063g 55g 48g -
2502g 19g 16g -
1302g 10g 7g -
New York Strip Loin Steak Steakhouse Naturals
2200g 14g 23g -
1000g 9g 5g -
1800g 12g 18g -
40029g 23g 20g 0g
15027g 3g 4g 0g
1400g 12g 8g 0g
15015g 9g 2g 0g
7217g 0.2g 0.4g 0g
8922g 0g 1g 0g
63782g 31g 7g 0g
84076g 53g 14g 0g
3407g 24g 18g -
Marinade & Sauce, steakhouse Steakhouse, Sweet Baby Rays
307g 0g 0g -
Marinade, New York Steakhouse New York Steakhouse, A.1.
205g 0g 0g -
Steakhouse Burger with Cheese LongHorn Steakhouse Restaurant
84044g 51g 49g 0g

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