Imitation Eel Rice Bowl

Roasted long Chinese style eggplant stands in for eel served over rice & shredded seaweed. Vegan dish

Imitation Eel Rice Bowl
Carbs 88%
Percent Calories

1 serving of imitation eel rice bowl (Roasted long Chinese style eggplant stands in for eel served over rice & shredded seaweed. Vegan dish) contains 589 Calories. The macronutrient breakdown is 88% carbs, 3% fat, and 9% protein. This is a good source of protein (24% of your Daily Value), fiber (64% of your Daily Value), and potassium (31% of your Daily Value).

1 serving
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes


  • Eggplant


    1 eggplant, unpeeled (approx 1-1/4 lb) or 548g

  • Soy sauce

    Regular sodium, Shoyu

    1 tbsp or 16g

  • Mirin

    sweet Japanese cooking rice wine

    1 Tbsp or 100g

  • Sugar

    White, granulated sugar

    1 tbsp or 13g

  • Sake

    Alcoholic beverage, made from rice

    1 tsp or 5g

  • Seaweed

    Laver, raw

    ½ sheets or 1g

  • White rice

    Long-grain, regular, raw, enriched

    ½ cup or 93g


  1. Cook rice according to package directions. Poke holes all over eggplant's skin using a fork. Make a shallow cut around stem just through the skin to aid peeling.
  2. Roast eggplant over open flame until skin is wrinkled and insides are tender and "deflated". You can use a rack directly over a gas burner on the stove, or roast in a baking dish the oven or toaster oven, or wrap in plastic wrap and microwave at 600w for 2 minutes. Let eggplant cool until it can be handled.
  3. Once the eggplant is cool enough to handle, carefully peel off skin and slice eggplant lengthwise to flatten leaving the halves connected and stopping at the stem. (butterfly cut)
  4. Mix together soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and sake and cook on low heat in frying pan until it just begins to bubble.
  5. Add eggplant to pan and cook until all liquid is absorbed/cooked away.
  6. Place cooked rice in bowl, layer with thinly shredded seaweed (you can use scissors to shred it) and finally top with eggplant "eel".

Nutrition Facts

For 1 serving of imitation eel rice bowl

Nutrient Value %DV
Calories 589
Fats 2g 2%
Saturated fats 0.3g 2%
Trans fats 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 895mg 39%
Carbs 132g 48%
Net carbs 114g
Fiber 18g 64%
Sugar 32g
Protein 13g
Calcium 82mg 8%
Iron 5mg 68%
Potassium 1437mg 31%
Vitamin D 0μg 0%
Vitamins and Minerals
Alpha carotene 0μg
Beta carotene 117μg
Caffeine 0mg
Choline 46mg 8%
Copper 1mg 78%
Fluoride 0μg
Folate (B9) 338μg 85%
Lycopene 0μg
Magnesium 112mg 27%
Manganese 2mg 105%
Niacin 8mg 49%
Pantothenic acid 3mg 51%
Phosphorus 266mg 38%
Retinol 0μg
Riboflavin (B2) 0.3mg 24%
Selenium 16μg 29%
Theobromine 0mg
Thiamine 1mg 65%
Vitamin A IU 194IU
Vitamin A 9μg 1%
Vitamin B12 0μg 0%
Vitamin B6 1mg 48%
Vitamin C 13mg 14%
Vitamin D IU 0IU
Vitamin D2 0μg
Vitamin D3 0μg
Vitamin E 2mg 11%
Vitamin K 19μg 16%
Zinc 2mg 18%
Sugar 32g
Sucrose 14g
Glucose 9g
Fructose 8g
Lactose 0g
Maltose 0g
Galactose 0g
Starch 0g
Saturated fats 0.3g 2%
Monounsaturated fats 0.2g
Polyunsaturated fats 1g
Trans fats 0g
Fatty Acids
Total omega 3 0g
Total omega 6 0g
Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) 0g
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 0g
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 0g
Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA) 0g
Amino Acids
Alanine 1g
Arginine 1g
Aspartic acid 2g
Cystine 0.2g
Glutamic acid 3g
Glycine 1g
Histidine 0.3g
Hydroxyproline 0g
Isoleucine 1g
Leucine 1g
Lysine 1g
Methionine 0.2g
Phenylalanine 1g
Proline 1g
Serine 1g
Threonine 1g
Tryptophan 0.2g
Tyrosine 0.5g
Valine 1g

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