Slow Cooker Minestrone Soup

Slow Cooker Minestrone Soup
Carbs 75% Protein 17%
Percent Calories

2 cups of slow cooker minestrone soup contains 385 Calories. The macronutrient breakdown is 75% carbs, 8% fat, and 17% protein. This is a good source of protein (31% of your Daily Value), fiber (32% of your Daily Value), and potassium (27% of your Daily Value).

12 cups
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
360 minutes



  1. In a microwave safe bowl, add onions, carrots and celery. Cook for 3 minutes to soften.
  2. Add to a slow cooker the onions, carrots, celery, garlic, broth, pasta sauce, beans, drained tomatoes, bay leaves, seasonings, and pepper. Mix well. Cover and cook on LOW heat a total of 6 to 7 hours or cook on HIGH heat a total of 3-3½ hours. Time varies depending on your slow-cooker.
  3. Meanwhie, prepare pasta as per package directions; set aside.
  4. Note: One hour before the soup is done, add zucchini. Cover and cook on high heat for the last hour. Or, cooked chopped zucchini in microwave for 2-3 minutes and add to soup with cooked pasta and spinach and continue to cook 10 minutes. Remove bay leaves. Adjust seasonings, if desired.
  5. To serve: Add 2 cups of soup to each bowl and top with grated parmesan cheese , if desired.
  6. Makes 12 cups total. Each serving, 2 cups
  7. Recipe inspired by:

Nutrition Facts

For 2 cups of slow cooker minestrone soup (636g)

Nutrient Value %DV
Calories 385
Fats 4g 5%
Saturated fats 0.4g 2%
Trans fats 0g
Cholesterol 5mg 2%
Sodium 949mg 41%
Carbs 76g 28%
Net carbs 67g
Fiber 9g 32%
Sugar 15g
Protein 17g
Calcium 171mg 17%
Iron 6mg 70%
Potassium 1249mg 27%
Vitamin D 0μg 0%
Vitamins and Minerals
Alpha carotene 742μg
Beta carotene 3612μg
Caffeine 0mg
Choline 60mg 11%
Copper 0.4mg 49%
Fluoride 6μg
Folate (B9) 150μg 38%
Lycopene 16158μg
Magnesium 164mg 39%
Manganese 2mg 105%
Niacin 9mg 57%
Pantothenic acid 1mg 20%
Phosphorus 322mg 46%
Retinol 0μg
Riboflavin (B2) 0.4mg 34%
Selenium 45μg 82%
Theobromine 0mg
Thiamine 1mg 64%
Vitamin A IU 6675IU
Vitamin A 334μg 37%
Vitamin B12 0.1μg 3%
Vitamin B6 1mg 49%
Vitamin C 33mg 37%
Vitamin D IU 0IU
Vitamin D2 0μg
Vitamin D3 0μg
Vitamin E 4mg 25%
Vitamin K 130μg 108%
Zinc 3mg 23%
Sugar 15g
Sucrose 3g
Glucose 3g
Fructose 3g
Lactose 0g
Maltose 0g
Galactose 0.1g
Starch 6g
Saturated fats 0.4g 2%
Monounsaturated fats 1g
Polyunsaturated fats 1g
Trans fats 0g
Fatty Acids
Total omega 3 0.1g
Total omega 6 0g
Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) 0.1g
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 0g
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 0g
Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA) 0g
Amino Acids
Alanine 0.4g
Arginine 1g
Aspartic acid 1g
Cystine 0.2g
Glutamic acid 4g
Glycine 0.4g
Histidine 0.3g
Hydroxyproline 0g
Isoleucine 0.4g
Leucine 1g
Lysine 1g
Methionine 0.2g
Phenylalanine 1g
Proline 1g
Serine 1g
Threonine 0.4g
Tryptophan 0.2g
Tyrosine 0.3g
Valine 1g

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