Protein oatmeal pancakes

Protein oatmeal pancakes
Carbs 54% Protein 41%
Percent Calories

2 pancakes of protein oatmeal pancakes contains 459 Calories. The macronutrient breakdown is 54% carbs, 5% fat, and 41% protein. This is a good source of protein (87% of your Daily Value), fiber (32% of your Daily Value), and potassium (17% of your Daily Value).

2 pancakes
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes



  1. Put the following ingredients (in this order, if you have blender blades on the bottom) into a blender: Oats, Whey Protein Powder, Cinnamon, Egg Whites.
  2. Start heating up a medium to large size pan (10"-12") on medium-high heat. If you want, you can heat up two pans to cook both pancakes at the same time.
  3. Blend until mixture is roughly uniform. You will might have to scoop whey powder off the sides of the blender because it sticks with egg whites.
  4. If your pan is not non-stick, use your favorite no calorie non-stick spray or a little bit of oil on the heated pan, and pour the mixture onto the pan. These ingredients yield about 2 large pancakes, so use half of mixture for one. *Notice, blended oats are still denser than other ingredients, so they might settle on the bottom. Mix them up before pouring again.*
  5. When the sides of a pancake start to look dry and start to curl up a little, flip it over and let the other side cook. It should look lightly brown when cooked well. Also, while pancakes are cooking, slice up a banana into about 0.5" slices.
  6. When pancakes are done, put banana slices on one half of a pancakes, then spread blueberries on the same side, and fold a pancakes in half. Eat it like a taco!

Nutrition Facts

For 2 pancakes of protein oatmeal pancakes (387g)

Nutrient Value %DV
Calories 459
Fats 3g 4%
Saturated fats 0.3g 2%
Trans fats 0g
Cholesterol 3mg 1%
Sodium 332mg 14%
Carbs 64g 23%
Net carbs 55g
Fiber 9g 32%
Sugar 19g
Protein 49g
Calcium 140mg 14%
Iron 3mg 41%
Potassium 801mg 17%
Vitamin D 0μg 0%
Vitamins and Minerals
Alpha carotene 25μg
Beta carotene 45μg
Caffeine 0mg
Choline 27mg 5%
Copper 0.3mg 34%
Fluoride 2μg
Folate (B9) 41μg 10%
Lycopene 0.1μg
Magnesium 95mg 23%
Manganese 2mg 69%
Niacin 3mg 16%
Pantothenic acid 1mg 15%
Phosphorus 192mg 27%
Retinol 0μg
Riboflavin (B2) 1mg 71%
Selenium 47μg 85%
Theobromine 0mg
Thiamine 0.2mg 16%
Vitamin A IU 97IU
Vitamin A 5μg 1%
Vitamin B12 0.2μg 6%
Vitamin B6 1mg 42%
Vitamin C 14mg 15%
Vitamin D IU 0IU
Vitamin D2 0μg
Vitamin D3 0μg
Vitamin E 1mg 4%
Vitamin K 12μg 10%
Zinc 2mg 14%
Sugar 19g
Sucrose 3g
Glucose 8g
Fructose 8g
Lactose 0.1g
Maltose 0.1g
Galactose 0.1g
Starch 5g
Saturated fats 0.3g 2%
Monounsaturated fats 0.3g
Polyunsaturated fats 1g
Trans fats 0g
Fatty Acids
Total omega 3 0g
Total omega 6 0g
Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) 0g
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 0g
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 0g
Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA) 0g
Amino Acids
Alanine 1g
Arginine 1g
Aspartic acid 2g
Cystine 0.5g
Glutamic acid 3g
Glycine 1g
Histidine 1g
Hydroxyproline 0g
Isoleucine 1g
Leucine 2g
Lysine 1g
Methionine 1g
Phenylalanine 1g
Proline 1g
Serine 1g
Threonine 1g
Tryptophan 0.2g
Tyrosine 1g
Valine 1g

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