Cinnamon Sugar Apple Muffins

Cinnamon Sugar Apple Muffins
Fat 37% Carbs 52% Protein 11%
Percent Calories

1 muffin of cinnamon sugar apple muffins contains 224 Calories. The macronutrient breakdown is 52% carbs, 37% fat, and 11% protein. This is a good source of calcium (15% of your Daily Value).

12 muffin
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes



  1. Microwave or heat the coconut oil until it's liquified. Repeat the same process for the milk to bring it to room temperature. (If you don't do this, the coconut oil will clump together when it mixes with the cold milk.)
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a large bowl, whisk the coconut oil, buttermilk, brown sugar, egg, and vanilla until smooth. Add the flours, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and allspice. Stir until just combined. Fold in the apples. Scoop the mixture into a greased or lined muffin tin.
  3. Melt the butter for the topping. Add the sugar and cinnamon; spoon over the tops of the muffins.
  4. Bake the muffins for about 15 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. The muffins should be golden brown with big round tops that spring back when you press them.

Nutrition Facts

For 1 muffin of cinnamon sugar apple muffins (68g)

Nutrient Value %DV
Calories 224
Fats 9g 12%
Saturated fats 7g 35%
Trans fats 0.1g
Cholesterol 27mg 9%
Sodium 262mg 11%
Carbs 30g 11%
Net carbs 28g
Fiber 2g 7%
Sugar 14g
Protein 6g
Calcium 152mg 15%
Iron 1mg 9%
Potassium 280mg 6%
Vitamin D 0.2μg 1%
Vitamins and Minerals
Alpha carotene 0μg
Beta carotene 10μg
Caffeine 0mg
Choline 29mg 5%
Copper 0.1mg 8%
Fluoride 1μg
Folate (B9) 14μg 4%
Lycopene 0μg
Magnesium 29mg 7%
Manganese 1mg 23%
Niacin 1mg 5%
Pantothenic acid 1mg 10%
Phosphorus 180mg 26%
Retinol 27μg
Riboflavin (B2) 0.2mg 16%
Selenium 13μg 24%
Theobromine 0mg
Thiamine 0.1mg 8%
Vitamin A IU 110IU
Vitamin A 28μg 3%
Vitamin B12 0.4μg 18%
Vitamin B6 0.1mg 7%
Vitamin C 1mg 2%
Vitamin D IU 7IU
Vitamin D2 0μg
Vitamin D3 0.2μg
Vitamin E 0.2mg 1%
Vitamin K 1μg 1%
Zinc 1mg 7%
Sugar 14g
Sucrose 7g
Glucose 0.4g
Fructose 1g
Lactose 0g
Maltose 0g
Galactose 0g
Starch 6g
Saturated fats 7g 35%
Monounsaturated fats 1g
Polyunsaturated fats 0.5g
Trans fats 0.1g
Fatty Acids
Total omega 3 0g
Total omega 6 0.1g
Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) 0g
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 0g
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 0g
Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA) 0g
Amino Acids
Alanine 0.2g
Arginine 0.3g
Aspartic acid 0.4g
Cystine 0.1g
Glutamic acid 2g
Glycine 0.2g
Histidine 0.2g
Hydroxyproline 0g
Isoleucine 0.3g
Leucine 1g
Lysine 0.4g
Methionine 0.1g
Phenylalanine 0.3g
Proline 1g
Serine 0.3g
Threonine 0.2g
Tryptophan 0.1g
Tyrosine 0.3g
Valine 0.4g

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