Chicken Alfredo

Chicken Alfredo
Fat 45% Protein 52%
Percent Calories

1 breast of chicken alfredo contains 473 Calories. The macronutrient breakdown is 4% carbs, 45% fat, and 52% protein. This is a good source of protein (106% of your Daily Value), potassium (18% of your Daily Value), and calcium (19% of your Daily Value).

6 breast
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes



  1. Pound out as many chicken breasts as you like to about 1/4 -1/2 inch thickness and brown them in a few Tbsp. Olive oil over medium high heat. You only need to cook them until they are just browned, as they will finish cooking in the oven.
  2. Pour the heavy whipping cream in a pan and whip it up a bit before heating over medium heat. Once it is hot add parmesan cheese, garlic powder, and some parsley.
  3. Place chicken in a baking dish and pour alfredo sauce over the top. Sprinkle some mozzarella or asiago cheese over top and bake at 375 about 15 minutes or until cheese on top is just beginning to brown. Serve hot.
  4. Note: If you can fit a few carbs in for the day you can add a few broccoli florets, some sliced red bell pepper, or whatever you like mixed in with the chicken before pouring the sauce on. Mushrooms are also good with this and are very carb friendly. And lets not forget about bacon. This is a keto recipe after all, so if you like bacon with your alfredo...knock yourself out.

Nutrition Facts

For 1 breast of chicken alfredo (290g)

Nutrient Value %DV
Calories 473
Fats 23g 29%
Saturated fats 11g 57%
Trans fats 0.1g
Cholesterol 232mg 77%
Sodium 404mg 18%
Carbs 4g 1%
Net carbs 4g
Fiber 0.2g 1%
Sugar 1g
Protein 60g
Calcium 189mg 19%
Iron 1mg 14%
Potassium 866mg 18%
Vitamin D 0.3μg 2%
Vitamins and Minerals
Alpha carotene 0.1μg
Beta carotene 39μg
Caffeine 0mg
Choline 203mg 37%
Copper 0.1mg 10%
Fluoride 1μg
Folate (B9) 25μg 6%
Lycopene 0μg
Magnesium 77mg 18%
Manganese 0.1mg 4%
Niacin 23mg 142%
Pantothenic acid 4mg 74%
Phosphorus 640mg 91%
Retinol 186μg
Riboflavin (B2) 1mg 40%
Selenium 60μg 110%
Theobromine 0mg
Thiamine 0.2mg 19%
Vitamin A IU 690IU
Vitamin A 190μg 21%
Vitamin B12 1μg 39%
Vitamin B6 2mg 149%
Vitamin C 1mg 1%
Vitamin D IU 15IU
Vitamin D2 0μg
Vitamin D3 0.3μg
Vitamin E 2mg 12%
Vitamin K 5μg 5%
Zinc 3mg 23%
Sugar 1g
Sucrose 0g
Glucose 0.1g
Fructose 0g
Lactose 0g
Maltose 0g
Galactose 0g
Starch 0g
Saturated fats 11g 57%
Monounsaturated fats 6g
Polyunsaturated fats 2g
Trans fats 0.1g
Fatty Acids
Total omega 3 0.1g
Total omega 6 1g
Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) 0g
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 0g
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 0g
Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA) 0g
Amino Acids
Alanine 3g
Arginine 4g
Aspartic acid 5g
Cystine 1g
Glutamic acid 9g
Glycine 2g
Histidine 2g
Hydroxyproline 0g
Isoleucine 3g
Leucine 5g
Lysine 6g
Methionine 2g
Phenylalanine 2g
Proline 2g
Serine 2g
Threonine 3g
Tryptophan 1g
Tyrosine 2g
Valine 3g

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